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Labour demands action as homeless figures reach new high

03 July 2024

Labour’s Leader and Housing Spokesperson Ivana Bacik TD today expressed deep concern over the latest homeless figures, which reveal a shocking 14,159 individuals, including 4,316 children, without a home in May 2024. These figures, released today, underscore the urgent need for a radical shift in housing policy.

Deputy Bacik said,

“The publication of these devastating figures is a stark reminder of the scale of the housing crisis we are facing. Labour has long advocated for increased state involvement in housing delivery. We have a clear vision to address this crisis, proposing an additional €1.45 billion in capital for housing delivery. Our plan is comprehensive: we will protect renters, end speculative land hoarding, and double the state’s delivery of cost rental and affordable housing. These measures are crucial to ensure that every person has access to a safe, secure, and affordable home.

“The Government’s much-fanfared ‘Housing for All’ plan has failed on all metrics: house prices are up, homelessness is up, and evictions are up. The current Government has repeatedly shown that they cannot manage the housing crisis effectively. It is evident that without substantial state intervention, the housing market has spiralled out of control. This comes as the Daft report published this week showed that prices sought for homes across the country rose by an average of 3.8% between April and June compared to the previous quarter.

“During the local and European election campaign, we heard it loud and clear from people across the country – we need housing, housing, and affordable housing. The demand for real solutions is overwhelming, and it is clear that the Government is failing to meet this demand.

“It is time for the Government to admit that their approach is not working. We need substantial state intervention to correct the housing market and ensure that every person in this country can live in a safe, secure, and affordable home. The time for excuses is over; it is time for action.”